
Fiore’s Sword in Armour – with Richard Cullinan
Time: TBA

Fiore de’i Liberi was the Master of Arms to Niccolò Ⅲ d’Este, Marquis of Ferrara, Modena, and Parma.Some time in the first years of the 1400s, Fiore composed a fencing treatise in Italian and Latin called “The Flower of Battle” (rendered variously as Fior di Battaglia, Florius de Arte Luctandi, and Flos Duellatorum). This class will be working through Fiore’s plays on sword in armour, to understand his concepts of remedy, counterremedy, and contra-counterremedy.

Minimum Class Requirements: Steel longsword, mask, padded gloves, padded jacket
Experience Level: beginner+
Duration: 2 hours

Fiore’s Pollaxe in Armour – with Richard Cullinan
Time: TBA

Fiore de’i Liberi was the Master of Arms to Niccolò Ⅲ d’Este, Marquis of Ferrara, Modena, and Parma.Some time in the first years of the 1400s, Fiore composed a fencing treatise in Italian and Latin called “The Flower of Battle” (rendered variously as Fior di Battaglia, Florius de Arte Luctandi, and Flos Duellatorum). This class will be working through Fiore’s plays on pollaxe in armour, to understand his method for this weapon.

Minimum Class Requirements: Pollaxe, mask, padded gloves, padded jacket
Experience Level: beginner+
Duration: 2 hours

Gladitora – Spear, Sword, Wrestling, Dagger and Ground Work. – with Matthew Browne
Time: TBA

Classes will be held performing specific plays and counter responses as well as gaining an understanding of the biomechanics and physicality required taken primarily from the New Haven edition of Gladitoria.

Expectations of participants is that they have experience with longsword and dagger, a good grounding in wrestling and have at least some exposure to polearms. Participants not wearing harness will be partnered with the same, there will be no mixing harness with non and there will be absolutely no half harness in the class.

Minimum Class Requirements: Longsword, Dagger and Pollaxe, Full Harness (optional)
Experience Level: Intermediate


Richard Cullinan

Richard is the Chief Instructor of the Stoccata Drummoyne and Rhodes branches, where he teaches various programs based on historical Italian fencing manuals and is recognised internationally for his research in Bolognese swordsmanship. He has also qualified as an Instructor at Arms in Classical Italian fencing through the Fencing Masters Certificate program at Sonoma State University, California USA.

Cornelius Weber

Cornelius started mucking about with swords and armour at the start of the 90’s and has been obsessed ever since. Along the way Cornelius has won many tournaments, taught throughout Australia and New Zealand, delivered school history programs, been a professional armourer, achieved a First Dan in Kendo, and established the School of Arms and Amour.

Christopher Piggot

Chris is a certified personal trainer and a powerlifting and strongman enthusiast. He was once dragged into a HEMA class by a friend and was hooked. His love of training now extends into HEMA and in particular harnesfecten. Now considered a senior student of the school, He brings a different approach to the interpretation of historical sources and techniques. Chris is always happy to discuss any aspect of the hobby, and if you choose to engage him on it, be prepared for overwhelming enthusiasm.

Matthew Browne

Matthew Browne brings his considerable talents as concert pianist, neurosurgeon, and the world’s 4th most interesting man to his in-depth study and research into the historical martial arts in the German tradition.

If left alone, Matt will mutter incessantly about CrossFit, craft beer, and the manliness of beards.

(Matt refuses to write his own Bio)

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